Well these are a bunch of pictures from Christmas. We had our frist Christmas with Sarah and it was a blast. She really like the paper and boxes. She couldn't get enough of them. We kept on having to hide them so that she would try and get to the next present. However, it was a blast and we really had a great time. I had to work on Christmas Eve so we just stayed home and relaxed most of the night. We did venture out and went to see the lights at the Layton Park. We bundled Sarah up and got the stroller out and only lasted but a short time. It was way to cold to stay out there. The rest of the weekend we stayed in and enjoyed each other. It was kind of strange not going to any family parties, but it was also nice to enjoy each other and not worry about rushing around. I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and will have a Happy New Year! Loves!!!
13 years ago
Oh, how fun. She is so cute. It brings back memories when mine were little. Well, Katelynn is still 3. so that wasn't that long ago. Time is funny. It goes by so fast, but can seem so long ago.
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