Well I guess I am just being really bummed out today, not exactly sure as to why. I think it has to do with the fact that it has been a non stop week for me. Sarah was sick again this weekend and that always takes a lot out of me when she is miserable and I can't figure out how to make her fill better. However, she is doing better, but between her, work, and running around like a chicken with it's head cut off I am exhausted and could really use a mental day to get myself going again. I am not so sure when I might get that day to myself, but either way I will try and plan it and see if I actually get it....lol...Okay not going to happen buuuuuut it is always worth thinking about. I was thinking today that I wouldn't work overtime this weekend, buuuuut I have a hard time passing up overtime. Either way everyone pray that I get a day to relax or there might be some casualties...:) Nah no worries :)
13 years ago
Hope you start feeling better soon. A nice break is in store. Even if it is a soak in the tub for 5 minutes uninterrupted. Although, I don't usually get that. But - those few precious minutes are much needed.
You could give yourself a home makeover. Plain yogurt mask, cucumbers over your eyes.........
Learn the relaxation technique.. it only last a couple of minutes but boy do you feel rejuvenated. Close your eyes.. breath evently.. start relaxing your body, each muscles while sitting up.. and then at the end your mind and just relax.. when you're ready.. open your eyes and go back to whatever you were doing..
One day at a time.. never make it a BIG thing..relax.. learn to breathe..
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